#JLT14 Lasers and processes
for digital manufacturing technology
At the 14th Jena Laser Conference on 6. and On November 7, 2024, more than 200 experts from industry and research, education and politics will come together in Jena to discuss current trends and challenges in the laser industry.
In addition to 6 keynotes and top-class presentations in 8 sessions, there was a reunion with the community, an extensive accompanying exhibition and numerous opportunities for exchange and networking.
#jlt14 Institution ‹ Evolution
The ›who’s who› of laser manufacturing has been meeting in Jena every two years for almost three decades. By popular demand, the 14th conference has become more international and is now open to a wider audience and young international researchers and industrialists.
Since #JLT14, the conference language has been ENGLISH . Speakers, exhibitors and guests from partner regions enrich the program. The Lithuanian Ambassador and speakers and exhibitors from the partner region Lithuania took part in #JLT14.
#jlt14 Ticker
Thank you for a great conference!
As the new host of the Jena Laser Conference, OptoNet e.V. would like to thank all participants, exhibitors and especially the speakers for an all-round successful event with valuable insights, successful exchanges and valuable new contacts and alliances!
~200 participants expected at the laser conference
Numerous registrations shortly before the start of the conference – especially from our partner region Lithuania – promise a new quality for the XIV Jena Laser Conference.
We are pleased to welcome the Lithuanian ambassador to the conference!
H.E. Mr. Giedrius Puodžiūnas will address a greeting to all participants at the opening of the conference.
The program has been published
We have put together two packed conference days with eight sessions for you.
Click here for the overview ‹
The keynotes are complete
We are delighted about the commitments of Prof. Dr. Constantin Häfner, Fraunhofer ILT and Dr. Michael Kösters, TRUMPF Laser Systems for Semiconductor Manufacturing GmbH.
#jlt14 Navigator
Jena Laser Conference Overview
until October 31, 2024
until October 15, 2024
until October 15, 2024