Jenaer Lasertagung

#JLT14 Lasers and processes
for digital manufacturing technology

At the 14th Jena Laser Con­fe­rence on 6. and On Novem­ber 7, 2024, more than 200 experts from indus­try and rese­arch, edu­ca­tion and poli­tics will come tog­e­ther in Jena to dis­cuss cur­rent trends and chal­lenges in the laser indus­try.

In addi­tion to 6 key­notes and top-class pre­sen­ta­ti­ons in 8 ses­si­ons, there was a reunion with the com­mu­nity, an exten­sive accom­pany­ing exhi­bi­tion and num­e­rous oppor­tu­ni­ties for exch­ange and net­wor­king.

#jlt14 Institution ‹ Evolution

The ›who’s who› of laser manu­fac­tu­ring has been mee­ting in Jena every two years for almost three deca­des. By popu­lar demand, the 14th con­fe­rence has become more inter­na­tio­nal and is now open to a wider audi­ence and young inter­na­tio­nal rese­ar­chers and indus­tria­lists.

Since #JLT14, the con­fe­rence lan­guage has been ENGLISH . Spea­k­ers, exhi­bi­tors and guests from part­ner regi­ons enrich the pro­gram. The Lithua­nian Ambassa­dor and spea­k­ers and exhi­bi­tors from the part­ner region Lithua­nia took part in #JLT14.

#JLT14 Proceedings

Free down­load
PDF for­mat, ~24 MB

#jlt14 Ticker




Thank you for a great conference!

As the new host of the Jena Laser Con­fe­rence, Opto­Net e.V. would like to thank all par­ti­ci­pants, exhi­bi­tors and espe­ci­ally the spea­k­ers for an all-round suc­cessful event with valuable insights, suc­cessful exch­an­ges and valuable new cont­acts and alli­ances!




~200 participants expected at the laser conference

Num­e­rous regis­tra­ti­ons shortly before the start of the con­fe­rence – espe­ci­ally from our part­ner region Lithua­nia – pro­mise a new qua­lity for the XIV Jena Laser Con­fe­rence.




We are pleased to welcome the Lithuanian ambassador to the conference!

H.E. Mr. Gie­drius Puo­džiū­nas will address a gree­ting to all par­ti­ci­pants at the ope­ning of the con­fe­rence.




The program has been published

We have put tog­e­ther two packed con­fe­rence days with eight ses­si­ons for you.
Click here for the over­view ‹




The keynotes are complete

We are deligh­ted about the com­mit­ments of Prof. Dr. Con­stan­tin Häf­ner, Fraun­ho­fer ILT and Dr. Michael Kös­ters, TRUMPF Laser Sys­tems for Semi­con­duc­tor Manu­fac­tu­ring GmbH.

#jlt14 Navigator

Jena Laser Conference Overview


Dead­line: April 29, 2024


until Octo­ber 31, 2024


until Octo­ber 15, 2024


until Octo­ber 15, 2024


Your time in Jena

Event Partners


OptoNet e.V.
Photonics Network Thuringia

Leutragraben 1 | 07743 Jena | Germany
Tel. +49 3641 327 92 90

Expert direction

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Bliedtner

Ernst Abbe University Jena

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Andreas Tünnermann

Fraunhofer IOF
Institute of Applied Physics · FSU Jena