In Partnership with Lithunia
In Partnership with Lithunia

Show your face in the laser community -
become an exhibitor or sponsor at #JLT14!

You are also wel­come to take a look at the exhi­bi­tion and spon­sors of 2022.

Spon­so­ring infor­ma­tion

Spon­so­ring offers you the oppor­tu­nity to sup­port the XIV Laser Con­fe­rence finan­ci­ally and at the same time bene­fit from increased visi­bi­lity and num­e­rous other advan­ta­ges. Please cont­act the event orga­niza­tion if you have any ques­ti­ons or indi­vi­dual ideas about spon­so­ring.

Gold Sponsoring

  • Men­tion as Gold Spon­sor in the wel­come speech
  • Men­tio­ned as a gold spon­sor in all press releases
  • Prio­ri­ti­zed naming as a gold spon­sor on the web­site
  • Lar­ger pre­sen­ta­tion as a gold spon­sor on the roll-ups in the event room
  • Pre­sen­ta­tion as Gold Spon­sor in the con­fe­rence pro­cee­dings
  • Free exhi­bi­tion oppor­tu­nity in the accom­pany­ing exhi­bi­tion inclu­ding 1 per­son stand sup­port
  • 1 addi­tio­nal free par­ti­ci­pa­tion
  • Oppor­tu­nity for a gree­ting at the ope­ning or at the evening event

Silver Sponsoring

  • Men­tio­ned as a sil­ver spon­sor in the wel­come speech
  • Men­tio­ned as a sil­ver spon­sor in all press releases
  • Men­tion as a sil­ver spon­sor on the web­site
  • Dis­play as a sil­ver spon­sor on the roll-ups in the event room
  • Pre­sen­ta­tion as sil­ver spon­sor in the con­fe­rence pro­cee­dings
  • Free exhi­bi­tion oppor­tu­nity in the accom­pany­ing exhi­bi­tion inclu­ding 1 per­son stand sup­port

Bronze Sponsoring

  • Men­tio­ned as a bronze spon­sor on the web­site
  • Pre­sen­ta­tion as bronze spon­sor in the con­fe­rence pro­cee­dings


Gold Sponsoren
Bronze Sponsoren

The 14th JENA Laser Con­fe­rence is sup­ported
by the Clus­ter Manage­ment of LEG Thü­rin­gen.

Event Partners


OptoNet e.V.
Photonics Network Thuringia

Leutragraben 1 | 07743 Jena | Germany
Tel. +49 3641 327 92 90

Expert direction

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Bliedtner

Ernst Abbe University Jena

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Andreas Tünnermann

Fraunhofer IOF
Institute of Applied Physics · FSU Jena